
Clémentine Arpiainen

M. Sc. (Pol. Sc.), M. Sc. (Int. Rel.),
M. Sc. (Dev. Studies)
Disruptive Renewal Scout
Email: clementine.arpiainen(at)dimecc.com
Tel. +358 40 6603424


At DIMECC, Clémentine manages the REBOOT Skills project together with Doris Pryjma. Clémentine also participates to the other activities of the EU-team such as project preparations and other co-creation assignments.

Key words: innovation, digital skills, twin transition, knowledge management, AI, cyber security, Iot, additive manufacturing, co-creation, customer-driven services, continuous learning.

Prior to joining DIMECC, Clémentine worked for almost 10 years in the public sector fostering regional and international co-creative solutions in diverse domains such as the digitalization of education, international talent integration, continuous learning, foresight for regional and business development or related to twin transition.


Jatkuvan oppimisen ekosysteemi : monipuolisilla kokeiluilla kohti alueellista synergiaa