
Triple Helix Conference 15-17 June 2020 Online

Triple Helix Conference 2020 is held on 15-17 of June 2020 online

DIMECC promotes and executes cooperation between Industry, Academia and Public Sector. The 2020 Triple Helix Conference is organized by Tampere University in Tampere. The conference is aimed to evoke both scholarly debates and best practice sharing on how innovation could create a desirable society in the future and how innovation should be understood and approached for achieving such a goal.

The theme of 2020 Triple Helix Conference is Future of innovation and innovation for future. The 18th International Triple Helix conference will promote dialogue among researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, who are involved in various aspects of innovation ecosystem for an example with the issues related to knowledge society, social innovation, technology transfer and innovation policy to name a few. While the Triple Helix will be a lens to examine various innovation practices and the future of innovation, we welcome those, who either challenge the Triple Helix model or promote alternative approaches of innovation studies.

More information available on conference web page